The Public Pull Request: From Code Cave to Coding Rockstar

3 min readJun 3, 2024


Photo by ThisisEngineering on Unsplash

Hey coders! We’ve all been there, spending hours hunched over the keyboard, bringing lines of code to life and powering the coolest apps and websites. But sometimes, it feels like that code is trapped in your machine, just like a lonely developer stuck in… a cave.

But guess what? I’ve got some exciting news for you. There’s a way to break free from that code cave and share your work with other programmers. Not only that, but you can also get some killer feedback and seriously level up your coding game in the process. Let me introduce you to the public pull request (PR) — your secret weapon for becoming a coding rockstar.

Think of a pull request as a polite way of saying, “Hey everyone, check out this awesome code I wrote! What do you think?” Other programmers, who are coding ninjas with years of experience, can review your work, suggest ways to improve it, and ensure everything runs smoothly. And here’s the best part: by making your PR public, you unlock a treasure trove of benefits.

1. Sharpen Your Coding Skills:

Public PRs are like a coding dojo. Different reviewers bring fresh perspectives. You might get a tip for writing faster code, or someone might catch a tiny bug you missed. Suddenly, your code goes from “good enough” to “absolutely awesome.”

2. Learn from the Masters:

Imagine getting coding advice from coding gurus! That’s the magic of public PRs. By seeing how others tackle problems and write clean, easy-to-understand code, you’ll pick up all sorts of tricks like a coding sponge. It’s like having a bunch of coding mentors helping you become a coding rockstar.

3. Explain Like a Champ:

Writing a good PR is like writing a persuasive email. You’ve gotta explain your code changes clearly and show why they’re so darn good. This will make you a better programmer who can explain complex things in a way anyone can understand.

4. Tame the Feedback Monster:

We all have that little voice in our heads whispering, “What if my code stinks?” But guess what? Every code can be improved. Public PRs help you develop a thick coding skin. You learn to see feedback as a chance to grow, not a personal attack. Plus, most coding communities are super supportive, so it’s not as scary as you think.

5. Beyond the Bug Fixes:

Public PRs aren’t just for showing off minor tweaks. They’re your key to the awesome world of open-source projects. Everyone can contribute to these projects, and public PRs let you do just that! You can work on real-world software, build a cool coding portfolio, and meet a bunch of other programmers.

Here are some tips for writing top-notch ones, based on my coding adventures:

Keep it Simple, Silly: Reviewers are busy bees, so make your PR easy to follow. Clear descriptions and focused changes are key. Imagine explaining it to a friend who knows coding, but not your specific project.

Communication is Key: Don’t just throw your code out there without any explanation. Let others know what your code does and why it’s better than the previous version. Think of it as your opportunity to convince others why your code is awesome and should be merged.

Be Open-Minded: Reviewers are there to assist you, not just to criticize. Listen to their suggestions and respond in a friendly manner. Having a positive attitude goes a long way in the coding world.


Public pull requests are more than just code reviews; they’re like superpowers for programmers. So, don’t confine yourself to your code cave! Share your code confidently, write amazing public PRs, and witness your coding skills soar! Who knows, you might even become a coding ninja yourself someday.




I am a programming enthusiast, JavaScript developer, and software engineer. I enjoy reading tech blogs, watching movies and tinkering with electronics.